Sport and leisure activities
BADMINTON: jeudi soir 20h - 22 h
Melrand Sports Hall Rue de St Rivalain
Annual subscription : 15.50 €
Keep fit : Tuesday 9h45 - 10h45
Led by Irek Becker
Melrand Salle Polyvalente, Rue de St Rivalain
Annual subscription 62.50 €
Rambles on foot: Third Wednesday of the month
Monthly from September to June
Led by Josiane and Jean André, Pierre Loric
Meet promptly in front of the Salle Polyvalente, Rue de St Rivalain. Depart promptly at 13h30
Annual subscription : 11.50 €
Yoga : Tuesday 17h30 - 18h45
Bugalé Hall, Rue Guy Kervinio
Led by Françoise Le Coz
Annual subscription 11.50 € (M.L.C) + 60 € each term
Cultural and leisure activities
Breton Dancing
Advanced level : Tuesday 20h - 22h
Led by Marie-Françoise Rault
Salle Polyvalente, Melrand
Rue de St Rivalain
Beginners : Friday 14h30 - 16h30
Led by Marie Christine, Jocelyne et Patricia.
Annual subscription : 25.50 €
French course for English speakers
"beginners and intermediate"
Thursday 2.15h - 3.45h
Led by Laurence, Jane and Ken
First floor, Salle Polyvalente, Melrand
Annual subscription : 11.50 €.
Atelier de Généalogie
Premier lundi du mois de 14 h à 16h30 (voir agenda)
Premier étage de la salle polyvalente
Rue de St Rivalain (entrée près de la médiathèque)
Voir le calendrier des permanences
Cotisation annuelle : 38 € (accueil toute l'année)
Rue de St Rivalain (entrée près de la médiathèque)
Cotisation annuelle : 38 € (accueil toute l'année)
English Conversation
This is not an English course: it is for people who already speak the language and who wish to have the opportunity to practice.
Wednesday 15h30 - 16h30 Annual subscription 11.50 €
Led by Susan Elledge, Cosquer Fannic, Melrand
Exchange of skills and knowledge
Would you like to discover or share skills and knowledge? Contact us
Cooking with Max
Once a month. Contact MLC for details.
Annual subscription 11.50 €
Initiation à l'informatique
mardi de 11 h à 12 h premier étage de la salle polyvalente
Mise en place en cours d'année
Inscription dès maintenant : nous consulter
cotisation annuelle : 11.50 €